What is keto? (the short version)
I’m just your friendly neighborhood keto cook, not a dietician, but I’ve been studying the keto diet for over a decade, so here’s a brief synopsis from my point of view.
Keto isn’t a “diet,” it’s a way of life. It’s the basic set of principles that low carb diets are based on. Atkins is one of the most popular keto diets, South Beach is another, Paleo is often considered keto as well, but I’m not doing Atkins, and I’m not doing South Beach. I am doing a lot of Paleo. Get it? OK, I’ll keep going.
The keto “diet,” also known as the ketogenic “diet,” is a lifestyle change that is low carb. Everybody does it their own way (hence all the diet names and programs) but the most basic keto diet is a mix of low carb, paleo and gluten-free. The cross-fit folks do it too. No sugar, no bread, no grains, whole foods, real foods. In my version of keto, I don’t eat any artificial sweeteners or processed foods, but those on Atkins do. That’s their version of the keto diet, which is fine for them, but just not for me.
On a fundamental keto diet, you’ll eat 20-50 net carbohydrates per day (typical Americans eat 300) and under 1700 calories per day, although that number is variable based on your weight and activity levels. It’s ridiculously simple to eat under 1700 calories per day when you eliminate carbohydrates. It’s also easy in general because carbohydrates make you hungry, so without them, you’re never hungry (take it from a former pasta addict!)
And it’s a low-carb diet, but it’s not a bacon butter fest. My diet is actually pretty balanced, all of my carbohydrates come from vegetables because I also believe in making sure you’re always eating alkalizing foods. Grass-fed meats and dairy from grass-fed animals are always encouraged because they have healthier fats.
Keto has the same benefits of going gluten-free or adopting the paleo diet. It’s proven to help with weight loss, boosting energy, kicking cancer in the pants, stopping epilepsy (the ketogenic diet is actually for epileptic patients), clearing foggy-thinking, relaxing anxiety, clearing up the skin, regulating menstruation, eliminating irritable bowel syndrome, helping Alzheimers/dementia, amongst lots of other issues.
Books worth reading: Grain Brain, Why We Get Fat, Wheat Belly and Deadly Harvest.
If you want a complete guide to going keto, including recipes, shopping lists and more, buy Keto Life. The proceeds from this book help me pay to support the increasing costs of website hosting for the hundreds of thousands of wonderful readers I get every month! Thanks for reading!
What is keto? (the longer version)
The keto diet scares people, especially people who have been taught their whole lives that whole grains are awesome. Contrary to popular belief though, low-carb lifestyles aren’t all bacon and butter-fests.
Unfortunately, people who feel like garbage when they eat whole grains don’t think they’re all that awesome. While “going keto” really means eliminating sugar, a big part of it is eliminating grains, which turn to glucose.
We don’t call keto a “diet” because losing weight is only one benefit. Most people don’t even know that Otto Heinrich Warburg won a Nobel Prize for discovering that tumors need glucose to live. That’s not some hack article or DVD series, that’s a fricking Nobel Prize. Serious shit.
That’s why I started doing keto. Cancer. Or rather, scaring that crap away. It wasn’t the ridiculously inspiring communities of people who have lost weight with keto, or the fact that I didn’t drop a pound that one time I tried to go low calorie. It wasn’t the all-you-can-eat-meat sign in flashing lights either (that’s not actually true).
It actually took me a lot of time and research before I decided I wanted to do it. When my husband brought it up originally, I told him no. Absolutely not.
I, so confidently, told him the diet would make him have a heart attack and die and dammit please don’t start eating bacon every day and dying on me cause we still have lots of shit to do in this sweet life of ours.
A low-carb, high- fat diet is a little scary. That is until you actually read all the science behind it.
…And I’m not just talking about Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes or The Perfect Human Diet.
Did I mention, glucose feeds cancer? I did, I know. But the more glucose (sugar) in your system, the more cancer will grow or be encouraged to grow. Without sugar in your system, they say you’re effectively starving it.
What is a keto diet?
I’m going to try and explain this the best I can and then I’ll send you off to some good resources.
Also, read my Basic Keto Diet Plan – 30 Best Practices for Losing Weight + Scaring Away Cancer post!
Keto is a low-carb lifestyle, very similar to Atkins, except you’re consuming whole foods instead of all the sugar alcohols and fake stuff. It’s much more strict with carbohydrates (20-50 per day), which actually helps because you get fewer cravings when you consume fewer carbohydrates. It’s also a little like Paleo because you eat all whole foods and shop on the outside aisles of your grocery store in meats, dairy and produce.
The word “keto” comes from the word ketogenic or ketosis. People get freaked out when they confuse it with ketoacidosis, which is bad. It’s not the same thing.
Ketosis is what your body will be doing on this diet, which is creating ketones. Your body creates ketones when there’s an absence of carbohydrates since your brain uses sugar and carbs to process. When those aren’t in your system, your body simply uses ketones instead. Most keto-ers will use keto sticks at the beginning of their diet to see if they’re in ketosis and to make sure they’re drinking enough water so that they’re not producing too many ketones, which can make you sick but is rare unless you’re diabetic. Ketoacidosis.
When you’re in ketosis, your body burns fat like crazy. Without carbs in your system, it just starts burning away and it’s pretty easy to drop a pound every day for the first month if you’re a hundred pounds overweight or more.
You also feel crappy the first week in keto as your body goes through carbohydrate withdrawals. You might get a mild headache and feel tired. They call this the “keto flu,” and some people don’t get it at all. What’s great about it being a barrier is that it keeps you from wanting to “cheat” because when you’re knocked out of keto you have to go through it again (albeit briefly).
In the beginning, it took some tinkering to get everything right for my body. For example, I wasn’t used to digesting so much protein, so in bloodwork, you could see my red blood cells sticking to each other. My doctor suggested digestive enzymes to help out. I also got a microscope to keep an eye on things at home.
Right now I’m adapting the diet which has killed that problem altogether and I feel much more balanced, too.
Blood is fascinating! ::Dexter fistbump:::
The facts and myths about keto
The keto diet might seem expensive because you can’t opt for $1 boxes of macaroni and cheese anymore. In the beginning, you’ll usually spend $200 per week on groceries, but some of it is often spent on expensive oils and ingredients that you only need to buy once. Long-term it’s still not a cheap diet, we spend a lot on fresh food. I go shopping a few times a week because I like to eat fresh, not frozen, but that’s just me.
Your body can run just as effectively on ketones as it does on glucose. When you start producing ketones, your body burns up fat instead of carbohydrates (why you lose weight) and your brain starts using ketones as brain fuel. Personally, my mind is much more clear and I’m less prone to anxiety when in ketosis.
The keto diet isn’t all bacon hamburgers. There’s balance just like any other diet. After your first couple of weeks, you can add in low-sugar fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. You’ll probably never want to eat a potato or corn on the cob again, but other veggies are just fine.
Keto also makes you want to cook! You’d get bored eating bacon and eggs every morning, so you start to get really creative. For example, I’m in love with yellow squash keto pasta!
You can have cheat days if you want to, but you might not want to. Having a cheat day every month is a good way to boost your metabolism. Whenever I’ve done it I’d gain three pounds the next day (water weight) and then lose an extra three over the next day or so.
However, other than having to brave the keto flu again, you have to get over carb cravings again. I’ve found it impossible to cheat for one day, it always takes me a week to get back on track, and sometimes even longer, which is why I don’t like to do it! Sugar and carbs are like a drug to some people, like me.
It took those first two weeks of feeling like crap and then feeling in-frigging-credible to be like, holy crap, sugar is the devil!
Here are some far more-informed resources that you’ll love, enjoy!
- http://www.reddit.com/r/keto
- Keto in a Nutshell
- The Perfect Human Diet
- The Anti-Cancer Diet
- Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery
- Alzheimer’s, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Ketosis
- A Guide to Ketosis
- Your Brain On Ketones
- How cutting out refined sugar saved one woman’s life
Also, read my Basic Keto Diet Plan – 30 Best Practices for Losing Weight + Scaring Away Cancer post!
[…] A basic Keto Diet plan can be found in Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes, but I’ll summarize it for you here. I’m also going to note that I consider this a diet for your induction period, as I’ve always added berries and other no-no’s in after a couple of weeks with no bad effects. Your stomach shrinks so much that suddenly a couple strawberries is like eating a seven layer chocolate cake. If this is your first time hearing about the keto diet, learn more about it here. […]
I’m confused about the “artificial sweetener” statement. I see a lot of Keto folks using it, especially in their treat recipes. Are they doing a modified keto?
Artificial sweeteners tend to kick people out of keto, so most try to avoid them, especially diet sodas, since we all have a habit to over-consume those. 🙂
There’s no rule about artificial or ‘quality sourcing’ or any of that on keto.
Keto is not paleo. Paleo may require you to avoid those things but keto doesn’t have an opinion. Keto is – plain and simple – low-carb eating. The end.
Any other modifications may be good for your health (I personally try to limit sweeteners and I don’t use any grain products even in small amounts for thickening soups/gravy) BUT you are not any more or less keto. That’s what’s actually so freeing about this diet – if you’re out and don’t have access to a grocery store, you can easily stick to your diet if you have to stop at a fast-food restaurant, Just get it bunless! This diet is very livable in the real world.
Sure, ideally we’d all get locally source pastured organic free-range meat and dairy, we’d eat 6 cups of organic greens each and every day, and we wouldn’t touch a sweetener (not even stevia or monkfruit) with six-foot pole since we’d view food solely as energy and nothing else.
But that’s not the world most people live in! And that’s okay. On keto, you can make it work.
I totally agree with this. My blog focuses more on whole food Keto, which is why I say they’re my own preferences. However, Keto is whatever keeps you in ketosis. If artificial sugars kick you out (as they do for many people) then it’s no longer Keto and it’s just low carb. Do whatever works for your body.
[…] fellow keto-ers. Do you crave cereal as much as I do? I mean, I rarely even ate cereal before, but now that I […]
[…] I fell off the Keto wagon for a bit, but I’m taking this opportunity to start from scratch and document the […]
[…] basically I’ve begun to deconstruct my Plated recipes into more keto-friendly counterparts. This week I did it to the apple cider pork burger with brussels sprout salad. Now we […]
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Great summary. I went on keto earlier this year to lose weight, but it “fixed” so many other issues I’ve decided to stick with it long after I meet my goal weight. My problems with intermittent depression are gone. I can deal with stress a lot better now and have a much better attitude. I have energy to go to the gym regularly! I stopped keto for a couple months and felt like garbage, so I’m back for good! Have lost almost 35 lbs (starting at 195) and have enjoyed the process, which I could never say about any other diet I tried (and I tried them all…). There is some promising early research that shows you can keep Alzheimers at bay with a ketogenic diet too (it runs in my family, so yay!). The effects it has on the brain are remarkable.
I know exactly how you feel! It’s not just about losing weight for me (although I have plenty to go!) it’s fixing so many other issues too. 🙂
[…] What is Keto? […]
Dear Amanda and commenters,
Great site. Love it! I have also done some research on low-carb and ketogenic diets. I am definitely convinced, BUT…. there is a final question or problem that I need to solve. So here it is: I keep hearing about that horrible smell of ketones or acetones. You can smell it in people’s breath, maybe even sweat. Seriously, if I start smelling like that once I get into ketosis, and if that’s the price I have to pay for all the benefits, I guess I’d rather opt for staying out of ketosis and having a happy social and happy love life instead! 😉 So does this smell ever go away?
Greetings from Down Under!
Hello! In my experience, the ketone stank only occurs when you’re in a highly ketogenic state, like when the ketone strip is dark purple. Since you can be in ANY state of ketosis to burn fats as fuel, it’s fine to increase your daily carbs accordingly until the strip is a light purple instead. Once I figured that out, I not only lost a ton more weight, I also lost the acid breath (and I was beginning to sweat beef broth too, I swear, and that went away too.)
Hey Amanda, thanks so much for your reply! Only saw it now! Yes, I’ll try that. So does that mean you increased your weight loss by increasing your carb intake slightly?? Like some fruit here, some sweet potatoe there? Awesome! Also, did you actually ask your friends and loved ones about the smell or do you only think it went away….sorry to be sceptic, mate!
In any case, whethere I’m in a ketogenic state or not, I have watched and read enough by Robert Lustig to make informed food choices. And you’re doing a great job with this blog.
Yes, I’m able to go up to 50 carbs per day and still lose weight and stay in ketosis, but everybody is different. I don’t eat potatoes but I’ve increased my other veggie intakes tremendously!
Will fat cause cellulite? I’m trying to rid some leg dimples. I started getting them when I started eating high sugar, high carbs, high dairy.
such great info! I saw all of the wonderful reasons a keto diet is helpful, and another big one (which is why I’m here) is for diabetes! My daughter has type 1. THere is a big following of people who are diabetic that do a keto diet!
Thank God for your Blog! I start the Keto Diet six days ago and didn’t know where to start, so I turned to the internet and found your Blog. I ordered the Keto Sticks thru Walgreens and tested myself yesterday and already found myself in the pink. Thank you so much for great recipes and info. I’m getting some of the books you’ve recommended and feel I’m on the right track to a healthier me. I’ll briefly share my story,. I was getting very sick I could not eat very much food during the day without heartburn. I had heart palpitations and many other symptoms. I have seen so many doctors, had so many blood tests, so many theories and I was getting no where. Then I read two book my husband had ordered called The Bible’s Healing
Code Revealed and Natural Healing Library and they got me curious about
the Ketogenic diet. It all boils down to probably being allergic to gluten, but I probably will never know for sure. I can’t tell you after only a few days how much better I feel no more heartburn, heart palpitations and the list goes on. Thank you so much!
That’s so great to hear! Good luck on your journey!
Thank you so much for this blog! It is awesome! I am brand new to keto, but so pumped up to start it asap! I just made some sample meal plans using myfitnesspal and I am confused. I put in 3 meals that would seriously fill me up and the app is telling me I need a lot more fat and calories, but that I’ve reached my max on protein and carbs. I’ve already calculated a lot of cooking fat into my meal plans (like 2 tbs of butter twice/day and that already feels like a lot for me). Do I just need to cook with a lot more butter and oil to make this work out? What else can I do to make this work out? Also, I used a keto calculator and it recommended I eat: 1,640 calories/day, 20 g net carbs, 59 grams protein & 147 g fat. I weigh 130, am 5’4 and have a body fat % of about 25%. Does this calculation seem correct to you? I’m just a wee bit skeptical cause i don’t know how I can eat that much fat! Please give me some feed back. And please keep rockin out this blog cause it is wayyyyyyyy sweet!!! Thank you!!!
Hi. Just stumbled across your recipes and blog from Pinterest. I love your no-nonsense approach to the keto lifestyle and the truth about how sugar feeds cancer. I have been doing keto for about five months now. And it was a huge transition in the beginning. But I love it and I’ll never go back to anything else. I feel better. I look better. I sleep better. My skin is better, my stomach is better…everything is just better. And The best part is I never tire of bacon! Looking forward to reading more of your no-nonsense stuff. Xoxo
Maria Luisa
I just learned SO much. Thank you for explaining this all in good old plain English. Your recipes look amazing. I”ve heard about this before, but never really understood the basis, until now. You rock!
@Ellen Elliott Thanks! So glad it helped!
@Maria Luisa Awesome! There’s no time for fluff, I try to be as direct to the point as possible. Thanks for noticing, and for reading! 🙂
@zoeetree I like MyFitnessPal, but it’s driven by a low-calorie diet, so it’s great for tracking everything you eat (best I’ve used so far) but not for tallying up your scores — that part you’ll have to look at your Nutrition Tab list, to see how many “net” carbs you’ve had.
That does seem like an accurate calculation by the keto calculator to me, though, the largest percentage of what you eat is supposed to be fat — basically to replace all the carbs you were eating before. Now that your brain runs on ketones, it needs the fat for fuel, just like it needed sugar before.
It sounds like you need to pick fattier meats, possibly? And cook everything with good oils like coconut oil and olive oil. Any way you can get more fat in, the better. I strongly advocate for GOOD fats though, not just any fats. Grass-fed beef, etc. which is high in Omega 3’s (good) and lower in Omega 6’s (bad) than general grocery store meats. That part is up to you, though!
Good luck!
@Wanda Such great news! Congrats!
@Kim Body fat will cause cellulate, the trick is to get rid of it! 🙂
Hi Amanda,
My Doctor (yes, I have a good doctor!) has been hounding me to go on a low carb diet since Sept 2014 to reduce my chances of diabetes, stop my anxiety, get off my antidepressant, and lower my blood lipids. I kept resisting and resisting because the last few times I’ve tried to go low card, I ended up having a panic attack after exercise! So, this time around, starting on February 9, 2015, I’m going for it! Keto lifestyle here I come to stay! The first few days are difficult to do, as I feel like I have muscle aches (like the flu) and the sugar withdrawals are awful.
I am SOOO thankful I found your website last fall 2014, and I will be reviewing it often to get new cooking ideas. I don’t mind cooking, but I’m terrible at meal planning. And, I’ve learned that in order to be successful on ANY lifestyle change, there MUST be a PLAN.
Thank you so much for writing your site, keeping it funny and fresh!
I hope that the next time I write, I will no longer be a pre-diabetic, but will be a completely healthy 42 year old.
Jeanne in AZ
I LOVE how you explained keto & how great it is!! I eat a keto diet & think that it’s amazing, but when I try to explain it I think I end up scaring people – or they are already scared by the media & supposed thyroid horror stories they hear about it. Anyway… great page & love your blog! 🙂
I have been on a Keto diet for almost 2 months and although I “struggle” with being creative with my food and yet ensure I get all my macros in, I have already seen so many benefits! Down 24 lbs (although lately I seem to stall a bit) and no IBS, no headaches, no cravings (yes, I was a total carb/sugar junkie) . I eat mostly 20 g of carbs a day…people are surprised I can keep it that low but I don’t find it hard at all! I am always in a “ketotic state” and I don’t cheat on my “diet”….have no desire to!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the awesome recipes….I just made the pancakes…..although mine weren’t as pretty as your pic, they were the most delicious ones I have tasted so far!! Will definitely be a regular on your site and trying many more of your creations!
So glad you are willing to share your knowledge.
JeanneCerrone Yay! Thanks for reading! A year or so when I fell off the wagon, I got a pre-diabetic diagnosis also. I can’t wait for my next checkup to show my progress! It’s great when you have a supportive doctor, and take it easy on the exercise when you’re starting up, your body is already adjusting enough! 🙂 Best of luck!
NuttyAboutHlth Aw thanks! I totally hear you, I was one of those scared people once too, so glad I took the time to look more deeply into it and see for myself! Check this out too, hehe. http://www.wickedstuffed.com/is-keto-healthy/10-annoying-things-friends-family-will-say-keto/
karenRN Thanks so much for reading, and congrats! I totally agree, 20 carbs a day is pretty easy once you start doing it!
Hi Amanda, just wanted to say love your blog and some of the recipes look to die for! I’ve been on keto for a couple of months now and have also set up a blog about keto dieting, hope you can stop by! Its http://www.kelliemac.com I will definitley be trying out some of your recipes as atm I just tend to eat the same things every day! xx
So happy for this site. I was woried that cutting gluten, gains and processed food was going to be bland and boing,and I was afaid i wouldn’t stick with it. I cant wait to trry all your recipes. I am obesed and curently weigh 260lbs so i’m hoping that adapting this way of life will help me to lose weight and live a long healthy life.
fightingfat Glad you’re excited! And best of luck!
KellieMac Awesome, thank you!
Holy freaking crap! I’m so glad I’ve found your site! I’ve been keto-ish for awhile now but I’m still learning. I love the way you write and love all the info and recipes you put out. I stumbled upon and made your chicken parm last night. It was delicious! I’m going to dig through everything else on here this week. Bookmarking you now… I’m on Instagram as @delishydish 🙂
How can I email you? I think I purchased this twice! Please help!!!!
Will the new cookbook be available now hard copy?
Hey, I’m loving what I see on your website! I’m sick to death of all the dessert recipes that fill every site I check. I am not and never have been a sugar freak. If asked to make a list of my all time favorite high carb foods, it would be Cheetoes, fried chicken, etc., surely not candy, cakes and pies. However, I am having trouble finding something to eat in the morning with coffee to take my meds. Never considering before I was a bread addict but now, would kill for a muffin or toast with my coffee. I hate, let me repeat, I HATE coconut. I am drinking my keto coffee as I write because I cannot taste the coconut in the oil. However, I am afraid of purchasing the flour. Is there a coconut flour without ANY coconut taste? Help please?
Hey! Thanks! Coconut flour is not SUPER coconutty but if you dislike the flavor, you might be better off with almond flour, which usually substitutes fairly evenly. 🙂
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I can’t believe you aren’t more popular because
you surely have the gift.
I generally stick to paleo, the keto diet does sounds similar. My issue with keto is the dairy consumption. I believe in moderation for most foods keto or paleo, but the science behind too much dairy can add to cholesterol (the bad kind). Witnessing my mom having to have more stints put in her heart because she can’t seem to get a clue that eating a block of cheese a day has caused all the blockages in her heart. I am no medical professional, however I have watched my LDL go down with paleo and my HDL go up. My point is I’ll do mostly paleo some keto and yes I love cheese, but seriously consume it in moderation. Thank you for your web page you do have a lot of good information.
Hi Ang, all of my cholesterol levels have improved since going keto. My husband and I both did a before and after analysis year over year and my doctor was pretty shocked. Is your mom also eating a lot of sugar? There’s a lot of new research that suggests sugar is more to blame for cholesterol than anything else.
[…] Ketogenic eating! It is very low carb, moderate protein, and high fat. What is Keto? I think Wicked Stuffed Keto has a great definition and helped a lot when I started researching. I […]
Just tried the Garlicky Lebanese Chicken thighs. YUM!
I’ve been doing Keto for two weeks. Then I went to a FaceBook page by Trim Healthy Mama (THM) where they say that doing Keto will ruin your liver, your hair falls out, etc. Now, I have seen a video of someone who lost a lot of weight doing Keto and she even tells us and you can see how much thinner her hair is than it was before doing Keto.
So far, what I like about Keto is I don’t feel hungry and think about food 24-7 so that in itself is a positive. However, I also don’t want my hair falling out, my hair is a little thinner as it is due to getting older, so I don’t want to add to that issue.
It’s really difficult when you look at both Keto and this THM diet. They are kind of similar in a way I guess, (I have not read their books or anything), but I don’t want my liver and other things to get messed up either.
So, can you respond about this issue of why I’ve read THM plus a lot of nutritionists and doctors say Keto is an unsafe diet / woe.
Thanks for your help.
I think you have to do your own research. There are a LOT of people who hear one thing someone says and spread it as truth. I have had two registered dieticians tell me that ketosis and ketoacidosis are the same thing. A lot of people just aren’t educated enough. I recommend learning about ketosis from doctors who study and vouch for it.
In terms of losing your hair, I think the initial shock of carbohydrate withdrawal does that, but not for the long term. Think about what you’re really depriving your body of: wheat and sugar, what do we really have to gain nutritionally from either? On keto you are eating more whole foods, REAL foods like veggies than probably ever before. You’re replacing empty ingredients like wheat and sugar with nutrition.
I do believe there are a lot of people who do keto and aren’t balanced. They do egg fasts, and eat the same steak and broccoli for dinner every night because it’s easy. That’s where I think you can run into trouble, and really require a multivitamin.
In terms of liver, all I can say is that my husband had a fatty liver, and a history of liver issues from a young age. His doctor supported the ketogenic diet and his liver levels have been MUCH better since he started doing keto.
I think to say that a lot of nutritionists and doctors say it’s unsafe is = to saying a lot of nutritionists and doctors haven’t studied, practiced, or researched it. They are looking at it from the outside in, and it goes against everything they were taught while telling people to continue eating margarine.
Definitely take some time to learn more about ketosis and the ketogenic WOE from people who know what they’re talking about. Every body is different, and no WOE works for everyone, but I do believe there is a lot of misguided advice out there from people who aren’t qualified to give it, and who haven’t taken the time to learn more about it, or even try it.
[…] it comes to carbohydrates, I don’t see a difference. Last year on my birthday, after doing keto for a solid six or seven months, my wonderful fiance got me a doughnut cake as a cheat day treat. A […]
[…] keto diet is full of meat and from what I’ve read, can naturally lower your pH, which can do a whole […]
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Ketosis is a natural state of the metabolic process. When a person has reached ketosis, the body burns stored fat instead of glucose.
While the body can break down fat, acids, so-called ketones, begin to build up in the blood. These ketones then leave the body through the urine. The presence of ketones in the blood and urine indicates that a person has entered ketosis.
Ketosis can help a person lose unwanted fat as the body begins to break down its fat stores instead of eating carbohydrates.
In addition, some research suggests that ketosis can help suppress a person’s appetite, which can also promote weight loss.
Best Regards
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[…] going keto, I used to order buffalo wings at every restaurant I went to. Now I’m lucky if half the time […]
[…] going keto, I used to order buffalo wings at each restaurant I went to. Now I’m fortunate if half the time […]
[…] going keto, I used to order buffalo wings at every restaurant I went to. Now I’m lucky if half the time […]
[…] going keto, I used to order buffalo wings at every restaurant I went to. Now I’m lucky if half the time […]
[…] going keto, I used to order buffalo wings at every restaurant I went to. Now I’m lucky if half the time […]
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